Quality of streams

A perfect viewing experience relies upon your network access and device capabilities. The elements will be based on your location, internet capacity, the number of devices connected to the same network, the content you have chosen, and the configuration of the device you are using. Subsequently, we can’t make any guarantees about the content in these regards.

Guarantee of streams

While we attempt to regularly update, we cannot and do not guarantee the availability of any channels. You understand that channels may become unavailable on a temporary or permanent basis at any time and for reasons beyond our control. We cannot and do not make any representations or warranties regarding the content or quality of any channels available through the software. You understand that picture quality may vary for reasons beyond our including the speed and quality of your Internet connection.

Excluded from refunds:

– Missing channel/s
– Temporarily buffering
– Temporarily not working channels
– EPG missing/ wrong
– Not able to setup our services
– No reason provided
– Slow internet speed
– Any Misuse of login info or file in anyway

Suspension and downtime

In the extension of our rights to end or suspend your access delineated above, you acknowledge that: your access and usage of the services might be suspended for the length of any sudden or unscheduled downtime or unavailability of any portion or all of the services for any reason.

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